DESTINATION MOON: A History of the Lunar Orbiter Program
Chapter 11 notes
1. Lunar Orbiter Program Office, NASA, Comments on Seamans Draft Memo (Undated), June 26, 1967. See also memorandum from SL/Manager, Lunar Orbiter Program, to SL/Acting Director, Lunar and Planetary Programs, Subject: Lunar Orbiter 6, April 6, 1967.
2. Ibid.
3. NASA missions and spacecraft are denoted by capital letters (Mission E) during the prelaunch phase. After a successful launch, the mission and spacecraft are designated by numerals (Mission V).
4. Lunar Orbiter Program Office, NASA, Action Item Summary, Action Item 31, Lunar Orbiter: Review and report the neces sity for an additional Lunar Orbit er Mission, memo date June 16, 1967.
5. Memorandum from Lunar Orbiter Project Office to NASA, Code SL, Attention: Capt. L. R. Scherer, Subject: Lunar Orbiter Project Recommendation for Implementing an Additional Mission July 12, 1967.
6. Ibid., p. 2.
7. Ibid.
8. Memorandum from S/Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications to AD/Deputy Administrator, Subject: Considerations related to decision on a sixth Lunar Orbiter, July 14, 1967.
9. Telegram., priority, unclassified, from Lee R. Scherer, Manager Lunar Orbiter Program, to Langley Research Center, Attention: Dr. F. L. Thompson., Mr. E. C. Draley, Mr. C. H. Nelson, July 24, 1967.
10. Memorandum from MA/Apollo Program Director, Subject: Minutes of the Apollo Site Selection Board Meeting, March 30, 1967, p. 5.
11. Ibid., Attachment-- Steps in Lunar Orbiter Screening.
12. Memorandum from MA/Apollo Program Director, Subject: Minutes of Apollo Site Selection Board Meeting, March 16, 1966, document dated May 5, 1966.
13. Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Apollo Site Selection Board and the Surveyor/Orbiter Utilization Committee., June 1, 1966, document dated July 1, 1966, pp. 1-2.
14. Ibid., p. 3.
15. Minutes of Apollo Site Selection Board., December 15, 1966, document dated March 7, 1967. Site II P 6 is located in the southwestern areas of Mare Tranquillitatis (approximately 23° east longitudes 2° north latitude). This site eventually became the Apollo 11 landing site, Tranquility Base. Site II P 2 is located east or the crater Maskelyne and northeast of the crater Censorinus (approximately 33° east longitudes 3° north latitude).
16. Ibid., Attachment G,, Preliminary Landing Site Analysis of Orbiter I, p. 2.
17. Minutes of the Apollo Site Selection Board Meeting, March 30, 1967, document dated June 26, 1967, p. 1.
18. Minutes of the Apollo Site Selection Board Meeting of December 15, 1967, document dated January 29, 1968.
19. Manned Spacecraft Center, Apollo 8 Technical Debriefing, January 2, 1969, p. 34.
20. Charles A. Gurtler and Gary W. Grew, "Meteoroid Hazard near Moon," Science, Vol. 161 (August 2, 1968), p. 462.
21. T. N. Nazarova, A. K. Rybakov, C. D. Komissarov, "Investigation of solid interplanetary matter in the vicinity of the Moon.." paper before 10th COSPAR meeting., London, July 1967.
22. Gurtler and Grew., "Meteoroid Hazard near Moon," p. 463.
23. G. S. Hawkins, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 116., No. 1 (1956), p. 92
24. Gurtler and Grew, "Meteoroid Hazard near Moon," p. 463.
25. D. E. Gault, E. M. Shoemaker, and H. J. Moore, Fragments Ejected from Lunar Surface by Meteoroid Impact Analyzed on Basis of Studies of Hypervelocity Impact in Rock and Sand, NASA Technical Note TN-D-1767, 1963.
26. Gurtler and Grew, "Meteoroid Hazard near moon," p. 464.
27. Foelsche., "Radiation Measurements in LO I-V," p. 7.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid., pp. 7-8.
31. See Record of Unmanned Lunar Exploration Probes, Appendix C.
32. John M. Logsdon gives a detailed and documented account of the decision making process behind initiation of a manned lunar landing program in his book We Should Go to the Moon (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1970).
33. Oran W. Nicks,, "Applying Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter Techniques to, Mars.," address before the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington,, D.C., December 5, 1968, pp. 10-11.
34. Ibid., p. 12.
35. A detailed description of the Lunar Orbiter I Earth-Moon photography is given in Lunar Orbiter I-Photography, NASA CR 847, August 1967, pp. 64-71.
36. For details of the Lunar Orbiter V Earth photograp4 refer to Lunar Orbiter V-Photography, NASA CR-1094, June 1968, pp. 140-141.